
At a first principles level:

  1. The brain has inputs and outputs
  2. Creativity is an output that is both novel and useful


  1. 大脑有输入和输出
  2. 创意是一种既新颖又有用的输出

The mistake people make is treating creativity like productivity

We try to work harder and expect creativity to appear

Instead, add new inputs…




增加创造力的 11 个方式

1. The Swedish House Mafia Technique

Get a room with friends away from the outside world.

Throw ideas back and forth like a tennis rally.

Here’s Swedish House Mafia creating the iconic “One”. https://t.co/zZHXL3zVz7

  1. 瑞典浩室帮技巧




2. Consume Niche Content

Go to YouTube or Twitter.

Step 1 - Scroll through explore page

Step 2 - Only click on content that has under 5K views

90% is often a waste of time.

But 10% turns into an incredible niche input that nobody else on the internet is tapping into.

That 10% input is like a VC’s investment portfolio - it makes up for all the failed investments

  1. 消费小众内容


第1步 - 浏览探索页面

第2步 - 只点击浏览量低于5000的内容



那10%的输入就像风险投资人的投资组合 - 它弥补了所有失败的投资

3. Balaji’s Transformer

If you have a written idea — try to draw it

If you have a visual idea — try to write it

If you have a numerical idea — try to explain it out loud

The process of transforming the idea from one language to another produces a new perspective

  1. Balaji的转换器

如果你有一个书面想法 — 试着把它画出来

如果你有一个视觉想法 — 试着把它写下来

如果你有一个数字想法 — 试着大声解释它


E.g. Walt Disney’s business plan

Turning a dry 10,000-word business plan into an interconnected diagram opens up creative pathways.



E.g. Christoper Nolan’s Plot for Inception

Turning the written script into a sketch opens up creative pathways



4. Wake Up Early — Or Stay Up Late

Most people hit peak creativity whilst others are asleep.


The brain is free to stop worrying about other people — and fills the vacuum with ideas instead.

  1. 早起 — 或熬夜



大脑可以自由地停止担心其他人 — 并用想法填补这个空白。

5. Create An Evil Twin

Imagine there’s an evil identical twin of you whose sole job is to out-think you.

What are they thinking?

This thought experiment allows the mind to explore creative ideas — because you can blame it on the twin.

  1. 创造一个邪恶的双胞胎



这个思维实验允许大脑探索创意想法 — 因为你可以把责任推给那个双胞胎。

6. Spin Wheels

  1. Collect the best questions you find

  2. Add them to a spinning wheel app

  3. Spin the wheel before bed

  4. Leave the question with the subconscious overnight

  5. Brainstorm on the question first thing in the morning before any input https://t.co/b8Xx6ywLwK

  6. 旋转轮盘

  7. 收集你找到的最好的问题

  8. 把它们添加到一个旋转轮盘应用中

  9. 睡前转动轮盘

  10. 让问题在潜意识中过夜

  11. 早上第一件事就是在没有任何输入的情况下对这个问题进行头脑风暴 https://t.co/b8Xx6ywLwK

7. Study History

Most people only consume content made in the last 24 hours.

@david_perell calls this the “Never-Ending-Now”

If you study history, your inputs go from the best content in the last 24h to the best content ever made.

  1. 研究历史


@david_perell 称之为”永无止境的当下”


8. Be Like Japan

When I ask people where they want to travel to: Most say Japan

Japan practiced an isolationist policy called Sakoku for 265 years. They cut off the outside world — resulting in their unique culture

Once per quarter, practice Sakoku for a weekend or a week

  1. 像日本一样


日本实行了一项名为”锁国”的闭关政策,持续了265年。他们切断了与外界的联系 — 结果形成了他们独特的文化


Sakoku is intermittent fasting for the mimetic mind

In the interconnected age, your thoughts feel like your own — but it’s often society’s voice echoing.

When you spend a week alone with 0 external inputs — the echoes disappear and you hear your own creative voice


在这个互联互通的时代,你的想法感觉像是你自己的 — 但它常常是社会声音的回响。

当你独自一人度过一周,没有任何外部输入时 — 回响消失了,你听到了自己创意的声音

9. Create A Mood Log

When you feel creative — log the causes.

When you feel uncreative — log the causes.

Once per month, review it and redesign your environment based on this log.

  1. 创建情绪日志

当你感到有创意时 — 记录原因。

当你感到没有创意时 — 记录原因。


10. Julian’s Creativity Faucet

The incredible @Julian has this idea:

  1. Visualize creativity as a backed-up pipe of water

  2. The first mile is wastewater that needs to be emptied

  3. After emptying the bad ideas, you begin to spot patterns as to why they are bad



  1. 将创意想象成一个堵塞的水管

  2. 第一英里是需要排空的废水

  3. 排空坏主意后,你开始发现它们为什么不好的模式

Shapiro shows this great example of John Mayer applying the creativity faucet live in real-time.

Notice how he empties all the bad ideas — and the good ideas begin to click. https://t.co/M2tdI1mSyE

Shapiro展示了John Mayer实时应用创意水龙头的绝佳例子。

注意他是如何清空所有坏主意的 — 然后好主意开始涌现。https://t.co/M2tdI1mSyE

11. AirBnB’s 11* Thought Experiment

Ask people: “What would a 5* experience look like?”

When they answer this, surprise them by asking what 6* would look like.

Keep cranking it all the way up to 11*.

  1. 爱彼迎的11星思维实验




12. Avoid Dramatic People

Human Brain Paradox: Your brain is a supercomputer — but it can only have 1 thought at a time.

Every thought has an opportunity cost.

Toxic and dramatic people are so dangerous to creativity — they eat your supercomputers RAM.

  1. 避开消极的人

人脑悖论:你的大脑是一台超级计算机 — 但它一次只能有一个想法。


有毒和戏剧化的人对创造力如此危险 — 他们会吞噬你超级计算机的内存。

13. Never Identify With Ideas

People don’t have ideas. Ideas have people.

You are just a vessel for ideas to pass through

  1. 永远不要与想法认同

